Wednesday 9 December 2015

Some jolly Christmas reading...

Our kids love to read. When I say read of course they can't actually process the words (they are 3.5 and 18 months) but I mean they love to look at books, pour over them, spot things in them and they LOVE to be read to. Little has started to pick up books, sit herself down, and point at words and pictures and add her own personal little commentary. This is just such a beautiful thing to see.

We have tons of books in our house. I honestly struggle to contain them! We love to swap books with friends too (give me a yell if you're up for a book swap!). I have a collection of Christmas books that I put away and only bring out for December. It keeps them special and in beautiful condition. This is the first year that Bear was excited when he spotted our basket of Christmas books. He kept saying 'Oh I remember this one mummy! This one is about all the crazy wattle!' and he started singing parts of the Aussie Jingle Bells straight away. The teacher in me couldn't have been happier!

I have been asked multiple times but friends for some recommendations for Christmas books so here is a collection of just some of our favourites. I've added links to various sites where you can find the books - I don't receive any sort of commission or anything I just wanted to make it easy for you!

For the little ones

Everyone LOVES spot! This is a really sweet little 'lift the flap' book where Spot gets up to the same trouble most of our toddlers and young ones do around this time of year. I don't know about your house but the baubles are moving higher and higher up our tree out of Little's hand's reach here....

This is a beautiful little book about the 'reason' for Christmas and lightly touches on the biblical characters. I really love this little rhyming board book!

The festive addition to the super popular baby/young toddler series. Both of my kids have loved these books, we added the Santa edition this year. I think I've read it at least once every day to Little since its arrival! Her latest word is 'Santa' and she will look at you, ask for 'Santa' and race off to find it. 

For the toddlers and preschoolers

I remember reading the Alfie books as a little one, I used to love finding them in our school library. This is a beautiful little story about a family getting ready for Christmas. 

Preschoolers and above but beautiful to read at any age!

My year one class(es) at school always absolutely adore this book. They get right in the spirit of it and sing along at the top of their lungs. I have it under good authority that this song is what we are in for at our day care Christmas party! A rusty Holden ute!

The fabulous John Williamson has written this rather accurate narrative of the typical Australian Christmas day and it is very funny! Someone is ALWAYS missing from the annual Christmas day photo!

Deck the shed with bits of wattle falalala la la la la la... In this sweet story about Sid the Echidna gets tired dressing his shed with beautiful wattle, his bushland friends all come to the rescue and the result is exactly what I imagine Christmas in the Bush looks like. We really love this one and you can't help but sing it rather than read.

This is a remarkably illustrated book accounting the biblical story of Christmas. It is written in words appropriate for children and the pictures are just so beautiful to look at. If you are looking for an easy Biblical account of the Christmas Story for your children this is fantastic choice. I love it, the story is a little complicated for my two, but it is really beautiful place for us to share the Christmas story with them. 

And for a whole lot of fun - this is Bear's favourite book at the moment! There are 700 things to 'find' in this books but each scene is a whole lot of fun to look at! We do a page each night before bed and still can't find some items in some scenes!

I really hope that this list is helpful to anyone out there who might be looking for Christmas books for their children. If you have any others WE should take a look at - please let me know! 

Friday 17 July 2015

Warm and Cozy..

Is there nothing more precious than a sweet little newborn, swaddled in a warm knitted blanket? Or a snuggled up in their pram tucked in with a beautifully, soft blanket in the perfect size for being out and about. So when my gorgeous cousin (in-law but we don't count that silliness in our family) asked me for a few recommendations, I pulled a few of my favourite knitted (and one quilted - so on trend!) options right now. From the Cotton On selection at $29.95 to the Sheridan quilted option at $129.95 there is an option for all budgets.

Bear was gifted by his Uncle, a beautiful cotton stroller blanket when he was born and as a sweet touch it has his initials embroiled in the corner. He loves the blanket and makes me think that Little needs a keepsake blanket with her intials too. Now which one to choose...
xx T
